
Creating a new Alchemy project is easy using the npm init command:

    npm init alchemy my-project-name

This command will create a new folder named my-project-name and populate it with files from the 11ways/alchemy-skeleton repository.

No plugins or dependencies will be added yet, and you also have to manually run the install command (in order to actually install the alchemymvc package):

    cd my-project-name
    npm install --omit=dev

(The --omit=dev parameter is so that AlchemyMVC development dependencies are not installed)

Now would be a good idea to check the configuration of your new project, including datasource configuration. When everything has been configured, you can start the server with this command:

    node server.js

You'll get a GUI/TUI in your console, which is created using our own Janeway package.


Plugins can be installed in two ways:

  • In the app/plugins folder
  • From NPM, in the node_modules folder

For example, if you don't want to use a MongoDB database, you can opt for the alchemy-ds-nedb or alchemy-ds-linvodb3 file-based database instead.

You can install it from NPM like this:

npm install alchemy-ds-linvodb3

After that, you need to enable the plugin, this has to be added to the app/config/bootstrap.js file:


The type name of this datasource is linvodb3, so you'll also need to change that in the app/config/local.js file (it'll currently be set to mongo)